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312 Services Found

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key info test
item category:Parenting

item category:Alcohol & drugs

After adding content to the list item, the Enter key should create a new list item below, but the Enter key does nothing Shift + Enter makes a line break,…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Test paragraph here.

item category:Older People

b:Friend is a befriending service for older adults experiencing social isolation and loneliness in South Yorkshire.

item category:Children and Young People

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community for children and young people aged 11-18.

Community Support Workers
item category:Housing Advice/Information

Community Support Workers are based in GP surgeries and can give you support and advice on almost anything non-medical, as long as you are not already receiving social care.

Solace Living is a not for profit social enterprise providing supported housing for adults living with mental health difficulties.

Flippin’ Mental Theatre is a community enterprise supported by Sheffield Flourish, and led by writer Kathryn Littlewood.

Gambling With Lives
item category:Money/Debt/Benefits

Gambling With Lives is a local support charity that aims to support people who have lost loved ones to gambling related suicide.